Roses help to understand hidden messages through colour
” Roses are red, violets are blue…” states the most common love poem. Roses, however, come in a vast array of colours, including white, cream, pink, yellow, orange, peach, burgundy, purple, green and even black. Some varieties of these multi-petal flowers have multiple prickles along the stem of the plant, which is used as a defence mechanism against predators.
Tune in to get to know more about the vivid palette of this sophisticated ancient plant!

Essential information and key facts
Although roses originally come from China, nowadays they have adapted to different environments around the globe. Provided with well-drained soil and a sunny habitat, roses thrive everywhere and please the eye with their vivid colours. The best time to plant roses is between November and February. It is also important to plant roses away from other garden plants not to disturb their roots.
Roses are grown all over the world and there are around 150 species of this plant that gardeners can put their green fingers on! Apart from the decorative function, roses are commonly used as a source of perfume as well as for medicinal purposes.
A bouquet of roses is a game of chance
Did you know? Josephine, Napoleon’s wife, loved roses so much that she planted a huge collection of this beautiful plant in her garden.
When a rose is given as a gift, the selected colours of each flower have a special meaning. Let’s have a look at this intricate relationship:
Red = Love and romance
Yellow = Friendship and joy
Pink = Gratitude and appreciation
White = Spirituality, purity, sympathy, and innocence
Orange = Passion and desire
Every colour conveys a certain message and it almost feels like the participants are playing a game of puzzling out their deepest thoughts and desires. This game of chance, just like the majestic roulette, determines the outcomes and keeps you involved in a fine dialogue of thrill and passion.
Non-verbal messages conveyed through vivid colours
The vivid colours on the roulette wheel lure many players to the roulette table both at land-based and online casinos. To understand the art of playing roulette, players would need to get a grasp of the three main colours on the roulette wheel, namely black, red and green. First, players would need to decide which colour they prefer to go with when placing their bets. Green is the most dangerous as players lose all their bets in favour of the house. Surprisingly, green roses signify fertility, cheerfulness and new beginnings.
Dazzling colours of online slots attract players due to the fast-paced interactive approach and highly visually appealing content. The main themes of the games are illustrated in a set of tones and colours that help to set the atmosphere and help to create an immersive gaming environment.
Final words
Overall, colours have a really significant role in our society as they enrich verbal messages with deeper meanings through non-verbal signals.